Tag: rum

  • Rum-and-Vanilla-Cured-Salmon

    Rum and Vanilla Cured Salmon

    Vanilla and rum give a twist to this classic cured salmon recipe.

  • city style and living magazine Koloa Rum kauai Kale Mai Tai

    Koloa Rum Company | Kauai Hawaii

    Enjoy a rum tasting at Kauai’s home-grown single batch rum maker.

  • 6 best rum to try city style and living magazine

    The Best 6 Rum You Need To Try

    The Best 6 Rum You Need To Try.You may know this spirit for it’s pirate legacy and ingredient of your favourite Caribbean cocktail, but rum is more than a mixer. The imbibe team at City Style and Living Magazine has decoded

  • Tasting | Mount Gay 1703

    International Brand Ambassador and mixologist at Mount Gay Distilleries, Chesterfield Browne visits Calgary and speaks with CSL about the rum that invented rum. Except for the Caribbean, rum has been given a bad name worldwide, mainly due to the lack of quality products on the market. This, coupled with the cloyingly sweet fruity drinks served…